I've put away my photographer hat for the next two years to become a nurse. My everyday life? Well...this should be fun!
"I was the lowly college student and darkroom worker. I carried the bags of one of Memphis’ great photographers and artists. I interviewed with Nadia, January 1966, the same month I met Susan. I showed her work I had done in college and high school. I was hired at $1.00 an hour and $1.50 an hour if we had to go out of town to work. I learned a fortune of experience from working for her. Under her guidance, I printed pictures of some of the most notable Memphians of the 20th Century. I learned lighting, chemistry, composition, and perseverance to learn something new. She once went to Europe for a vacation. She told the photography supply shop to give me whatever I needed to set up a color lab at her studio. I read the books and bought the equipment. When she returned, I had printed the first of many color prints. I built the sinks, the work tables, did the plumbing, and wired the timers and lights. She was impressed. I was proud. I saw her last month and took her out to eat. She is now 89 years old and as spry as ever. We reminisced and compared life histories. I told her how she influenced Susan and me. I have many classic portraits and pictures taken while under her guidance. Most are Susan and Mamma and Daddy. They are all priceless. Now my daughter, Kim Jay is a professional photographer. All digital and more artistic than I ever imagined."
so my soul pants for you, O God.” (Psalm 42:1)
I’m panting so hard for God today, that I think I’m gonna need my inhaler! I just feel so starved for His presence today. Ever get that way? It doesn’t happen much, in my busy-busy life, but today it is. But, gosh, that’s bad isn’t it?
Back at the beginning of this blog I wrote about that priority time I was going to try to start. Done it twice so far. Ugh. How pathetic. I’m absolutely certain that the feelings I feel today are because of my avoidance of God. I feel so down and depressed. I look at everyone else’s life and wish. The grass is always greener. Wonder if the deer wish they were fish so they always had water? Then they wouldn’t have to go around panting all day, and all would be right with the world. Oh, they would think, if only I were a fish!
I was Twittering today, and two of my Tweeps (Twitter friends) were talking about how they hate their tiny little offices. Of course, me at home with the baby hanging on my arm, making it a physical miracle anything ever gets blogged, was thinking, Man, how I would love to go to an office and work ALONE all day! I would be such a better mom/wife if I were NOT doing it ALL the time!
I know I have soooo many blessings. And, I’m sure there are those of you thinking to themselves that my life would be a great swap. But, isn’t that the case for everyone? The single person spends their days thinking about being happily married. The married person thinks about their old life as a single person. The teenager wants desperately to finally be an adult. The grownup yearns for the old days as a teenager. The toddler wants to be a “big girl.” The middle child wants to be the baby. And, on and on and on…
Perhaps God designed it that way? Perhaps He put in us that little gene of desire somewhere deep in our DNA, that makes us continuously wonder, What if? Otherwise, would we desire Him? I mean, if our makeup was that of pure contentment, why would we need Him? We’d just sit around happy as can be all day. And, yet, His Word tells us to be content. It’s all so confusing.
“I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” (Philipians 4:11-13)
Well, lah-tee-dah, Paul! I’m so glad you have mastered it! How are we supposed to get there?
Today I dream of the day Peanut goes to Kindergarten, and I can work on my photography all day long uninterrupted. But, gosh, I don’t want to rush through her babyhood! Look at Morgan, she’s slipping through my fingers, and Bradyn is fast behind. So I guess I should rest in the day. Today, AnnaGrace is over to play with Anna Katelyn and it is a good day! I will not get ANYTHING done. Which, for the Dennis Roaten in me, is a hard thing to let go. But, my Mama, who is pretty darned near the wisest Christian I know, always reminds me that there are seasons. There will be plenty of time to work. Five years is a blink. It will be gone so fast. And, in that five years, Morgan will be off to college, and Bradyn will be in highschool. Now, to go read Goodnight Moon four hundred times to two little girls who would rather eat the book.
To everything, turn, turn, turn…
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven…” (Ecclesiates 3:1)
There are several issues that come with not being a morning person. First, morning people tend to be a little judgmental towards us. Admit it, you morning people! You know that you have secretly, and sometimes not-so-secretly, thought to yourself that we non-morning-people are just plain lazy. I would like to go on record saying that this is totally false. There was a point in my life where I was getting up late with little ones because I didn’t have to be anywhere and neither did they. But, once I was up...I was keeping a clean home, sewing numerous projects, chasing toddlers, making breakfast lunch and dinner, serving on committees, and staying up until 2 a.m. working on the house, planning a VBS, or sewing to save money. I really don't think I was lazy.
Secondly, we non-morning people don’t sleep late because we are laying in bed thinking, “Oh, I’ll just sleep a little more instead of enjoying this beautiful day.” NO! We are physically using every ounce of willpower we can muster to get the cells in our bodies to cooperate all at once, heaving themselves out of that bed. Just as you morning people have a hard time going back to sleep after you are awakened - we late risers have an equally hard time NOT going back to sleep. We cannot control this phenomenon. We would LOVE to be able to jump out of bed the first time we open our eyes. It is just physically impossible. It is how we were created.
Another thing. It has been my observation that early risers are more prone to naps and going to bed early. I will not name any names, but a certain person, who would frequently comment that “8:30 is early for you, Kim!” would come to visit. They would nearly always sleep an hour or two in the afternoon and go to bed at 8:30-9:00 at night. Now, I did the math on several occasions and realized that I was staying awake 6 more hours a day than this person! I was accomplishing three times as much! And, this person clearly insinuated that I must be lazy because it is hard for me to wake up.
So why does this happen? Why do early risers get to be that way? It is my assertion that God just made us all different. For reasons that He only knows. I have tried to make an effort to be conscious of this. As a manager at the bank, I was regularly called upon to be at meetings early in the morning. Besides the obvious logistical problems this caused with kids as a single mom, it was just plain hard to get up earlier. I noticed that in these meetings there were always a few who showed up 10 minutes early, having read their paper, drank their coffee, and leisurely delivered their kids to school. I however, mostly commiserated with those in the meeting who seemed to land into their seats, as if to say, "I made it! What's my time?" These wonderful human beings obviously had a morning that mirrored mine.
Here's how their day started:
Morning began with that foul alarm device that shouted profane obscenities, “Beep, beep, beep, beep...”, continuing for at least four snoozes. The alarm clock manufacturer took great pains to "beep" out the words, just like watching an episode of Jon and Kate Plus Eight. But, I know very well the words it was covering - and Miss Susan (my Mama) wouldn't care for them none too much.
Eventually they managed to roll out of bed and into the shower. This is a non-morning person's only hope of consciousness. At some point during the shower, you realize that you have been washing your hair for five minutes over and over again. Or, you spend five minutes trying to remember if you washed it at all. Shaving? Well, that must wait until later in the day. Way too dangerous for a non-morning person to wield something that sharp that early in the day. You finally wake up when your early morning child - that little brat - yells at you that she is ready to go. Oh the gall!
You get out of the shower to find that you have been in there for a full hour! Okay, not really. Maybe 45 minutes. At this point, the race is on. You are left with a handful of minutes to get it all done and get to that blasted early meeting at work. Brush hair, brush teeth, gather and sign the papers for school that you were supposed to gather and sign last night, grab moola for lunches because you don't have time to make them, and you forgot to do that the night before as well. Argue with oldest child, argue with youngest child, jump in the car, stop in the driveway to throw out yesterday's Coke can into the garage that you will pick up when you get home, and speed out of the neighborhood.
Yes, I know how those meeting racers feel. And, you know what? Those early morning people get raises and kudos and accolades for their punctuality. That is completely ridiculous. To give rewards to people who are doing what God gave them a natural tendency for, that’s like someone complementing me for being able to stay up later than everyone else. I think when you are hired you should be required to disclose whether or not you are a morning person. THEN, the people who consistently show up for meetings on time who are KNOWN non-morning people should be rewarded. Because they.....they have truly done miracles...and they deserve the pat on the back for it.